Sunday, July 22, 2012

I'm Going To Live To Be 100 - at least!

So if it's true you will live to get all the projects done (I have seen a quote that indicated living to be 100 if all projects get done) then I will have no issues getting to be that age or older! 

I have just pulled out my new Strawberry Hill Sampler by Brenda Gervais (Country Stitches - With Thy Needle & Thread).  It is beautiful...stitched  to put on the top of a Whitman's box, pinkeep, huswife, needle keep and more.  I had to figure out how much linen for all the pieces and what fibers I am missing.  Now to email my LNS and place an order. 


Not much else going on - worked all last week, birthday party for niece/nephew yesterday, dinner at my mom's - my aunt and uncle are staying with her from North Carolina and she had bunch of family over Friday night.  My husband and I went out for dinner last night and even sat on the patio - unheard of lately here in my part of Michigan.

I ate some tomatoes from my garden, in a Caprese of course.  I had to grab them off the vine before the chipmunks got them!  My husband found ones I've been watching all week, waiting, in the yard half ate by something.  We've already put netting over the plants to keep the birds away!  Drat!!  Cleaned my sewing studio this afternoon (in between loads of laundry) so maybe next weekend I can actually do something creative in there.

Have a great week all - progress pics next week - if I make any progress, that is!!  Gotta get busy if I want to even make a dent in all I have "stashed" before I am over 100...

Stitch happy, do something that makes you happy this week...



  1. I love that Strawberry Hill Sampler piece. I want to stitch it sometime as well. But I have to place an order first too. Sigh. Bummer about whatever is eating your tomatoes!

  2. Love the Strawberry Hill pieces and will be anxious to see your progress. I haven't gotten any tomatoes yet but if the critters got them before I did, I'd be so ticked!

  3. Looking forward to your progress on Strawberry Hill.
    We gave up trying to grow a garden. The critters made it a miserable task for us and our backs gave out way too early in the summer!
    Now we feel good about supporting the local farmers stands.



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